What the Bible says about Isaiah 40:31?

Isaiah 40:31 But those who  wait on the Lord
 Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.
Our God experiences all collected together show a definitive course for us to rely upon. Realizing, visualizing and utilizing those perceived experiences is evidence that we do indeed have the mind of Christ. Weaving the ways that Father has delivered us in the past and the promises in the Word creates an unbreakable cord of faith.
Waiting then becomes a time of praise rather than a time of worry and anxiety. Because our expectation is in our sure and certain delivery, we can wait through every trial and storm with raised expectations.
Our hope is sky high because even if our answer is different than what we narcissistically envisioned we know that it will happen with absolute certainty. Knowing who we are as new creations, righteous, holy, blameless and above reproach, cements our faith in unmovable identity.
Our new creations are already steadfast and unshakable in their resolve and they anticipate our agreement with the revelatory truth that they thrive in. Solid new creation identity leads us to have praise as our default setting through every adverse circumstance. Waiting with great expectation and praising Father out loud for delivering us ahead of time takes the enemies poison arrows and shoves them back down his cowardly throat.
Today let’s wait with great undaunted anticipation for our amazing Father’s deliverance and instruction. Hallelujah! Father, thank You so much for Your grace. Thank You for making me a new creation, righteous, holy, blameless and above reproach. I know that You will always deliver me from all adverse circumstances. I praise You and thank You for all the times in the past that You have brought me through the waters and through the fires. I am truly grateful for Your plans. I will raise my expectations as I wait on Your sure and certain intervention. I love You. In Jesus name. Amen.

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