What the Bible says about Luke 9:24?

Luke 9:24

For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it. 

I’ve always had a hard time in the past surrendering. I’m a stubborn and never give up kinda guy. The whole one-day-at-a-time thing seemed silly and eluded me. Until Holy Spirit showed me what it is I was to surrender. I was to surrender the way that seems right to a man. I was to surrender facts and feelings. I was to surrender my sinful nature because it only harms me anyways. My experiences were not to run my life but rather TRUTH was to run my life. The truth is in Christ Jesus we are made holy, righteous, blameless, above reproach, forgiven, loved perfectly and wholly, accepted, and made new creations. Anything outside of those truths is a lie. Our old man is crucified with Christ Jesus and no longer lives. Hallelujah!

How do we then separate ourselves from the old man? It’s a daily exercise in taking thoughts captive. When we first start our campaign to walk in agreement with the Word we will meet some strong opposition. We must develop a method to take thoughts captive and slay them with the Word. If I have a thought that says I am a no-good sinner then I counter that thought with the truth that I have been forgiven of all my sins and healed of all my diseases. Praising Father for His Mercy and love is a great way to solidify the truth. I can praise in a manner something like this; “Father, I praise You and thank You for saving me and taking away the old man. I am no longer the sum total of my thoughts but rather I am marked forever by Your love and I am a new creation. There is no crooked or perverse way in me at all. All of the old stuff is on the outside trying to convince me that it’s still a part of who I am. I know that all those thoughts and feelings are lies. I choose to believe that Your Word is truth. Your truth supersedes all of my feelings and emotions and perceptions. I choose to believe Your Word before I believe my own eyes.” 

The choice to praise Father when taking thoughts captive thwarts the enemy’s plan to get us to believe his crazy, lying false doctrine. We will begin to act righteously and holy because we will have agreed with the truth that in Christ Jesus we are indeed the righteousness of God holy and blameless. 

Today, let’s push past facts and experiences and force ourselves to believe the GOOD news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Father. I am so grateful for Your grace and mercy. I know that there is no way I could ever earn my own righteousness. I’m so grateful that You have illuminated Your truth to me. I know that I am a NEW creation and that my old man is DEAD. Hallelujah! I’m thankful that You chose me before the creation of the world to be Your son. I will choose to believe Your Word first and foremost. Holy Spirit please show me when I am not agreeing with Your Word. I’m surrendering my old man anew today and I know that You will continue the work in me that You have started. I love You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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