Revelation 3:14

Meaning Behind Revelation 3:14

And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write,

‘These things say the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God:

Jesus Christ is the Amen. He is of the utmost agreement with the Word of God. He completes the Word of God to the point of becoming the Word of God. He is the Word-made-flesh. He dwelt amongst us. The Amen so agreed with Father’s Word that He allowed Himself to be born of a virgin so He could agree with Father’s value system and redeem Father’s most prized creations, you and me.

If you struggle with accepting the fact that the Holy Trinity of heaven loves you and cares for you and finds you worthy enough to give the Son of man to take your sins, then decide today to change your perspective to HIS perspective. The Amen, Jesus Christ, loves you unconditionally and values you above His own comfort and safety. He gave us a way back to Father at no cost to us except for agreement.

If the Amen agrees with Father then we should follow suit. How do we agree with Him and how can we extend more agreement? By accepting the truth that we are loved, accepted, forgiven, clean, holy, blameless, free from sins stains, and blemish, free from every curse and addiction, delivered, healed, set free, the top and not the bottom, the head and not the tail, and the righteousness of God. We need to see that there is now no condemnation for us. We need to push past feelings to force our total agreement with our new status.

We need to see that there is no corrupt or perverse way in us. All those negative perverse thoughts that spring up are on the outside trying to convince us that they are in our hearts. But it is smoke and mirrors. The old is dead the new is here. The heart of stone has been removed and we now have a heart of flesh. Believing all these truths awakens our new creation hearts to be able to take over and transform our lives from the inside out. Agreement equals fulfillment of the new life that the Amen paid for us to have. 



Father, I’m so grateful for Your salvation plan and Your great love for me. I will agree with the Amen more and more. Holy Spirit please illuminate where I’m out of agreement with You. I will take thoughts captive and forcefully ignore negative feelings and emotions. I am free because You made me a new creation. Thank You that I am righteous and holy. I am forever blessed. I’m thankful beyond words. I love You. In Jesus’ name. Amen

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