Living in the Fullness of God’s Grace: Embracing Our New Creation Identity

Isaiah 6:1

“In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple.”

Father is enamored with His creation. Even though He sits on His throne He extends His train intentionally to His children showing us how greatly He values us. He is always thinking about His lost children.

Here He extends His robe, His great and exceedingly exceptional dignity, to His temple in order to fellowship with His people. The robe represents His royalty and His fantastic wealth of character.

His glorious attributes of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control fill the temple. We see in the Gospel a tattered woman with incurable illness touch the hem of Jesus’s garment and be completely healed.

Likewise, we, being new creations, are filled with the Holy Spirit and have all of the dignity of the royalty of Jesus Christ and the amazing depth of His character imparted to us and inhabiting us by His mighty power and grace. We now have the mind of Christ and can fathom great mysteries and attain knowledge that surpasses our understanding.

Peace flows in us and out of us. But what clogs the flow of peace? Fear. How do we overcome fear? By forcing ourselves to believe that the Word of God is absolute truth and to not lean on what we see, hear, or feel. Fear is not a part of our new creations.

Fear is associated with our old sinful nature that has been crucified with Christ and no longer lives but rather it is on the outside trying desperately to convince us that it is alive and well. Experience doesn’t dictate truth but rather truth dictates experience.

The truth clearly states that our temples are filled with the robe of our Father, Holy Spirit, indwelling and conveying all the attributes of Jesus Christ Himself directly into our new creations with an expectation that we will SEE it and THRIVE in that glorious truth. Hallelujah !!!

Father, I’m so grateful for Your Grace. I know that I have been translated from death to life. I am now a new creation filled with the Holy Spirit and well-equipped for all of the things that You have placed in my heart when I was woven together in my mother’s womb.

I have all of the attributes of Jesus Christ Himself as my core identity. I will draw strength from my God-given new creation identity so that I can shun fear and press forward without worrying about failure. I am really grateful for the revelations that You are teaching me.

I will not ignore Your instruction but rather I will boldly walk in greater confidence in my new creation status. I am thankful forever. I love You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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