Building a Strong Foundation: Your Relationship with Jesus as Lord”

The fundamental truth that we must understand about the Gospel of Jesus Christ is that by conceding that Jesus is Lord, asking Him to come into our hearts and surrendering our lives to Him, places us into a whole new being, a new creation. We are born again not by the flesh but by the Spirit. We are regenerated. We are transformed. We are set at liberty. We are delivered, set free and healed in the most significant way possible. Jesus Christ has made us righteous and holy and blameless and above reproach. WE ARE NEW CREATIONS in Christ Jesus.
What is a New Creation?

A new creation is free from original sin.
A new creation is a being that has been made righteous and holy and blameless and above reproach.
A new creation is grafted into a lively hope and an extravagant inheritance.
A new creation has the Son of God, Jesus Christ as their brother.
A new creation has a new family.
A new creation will never be alone even if they walk by themselves. The Holy Spirit will never leave them nor forsake them.
A new creation will live forever and will be equipped physically mentally and emotionally for all the ages to come. This lifetime will be a faint memory without any emotional pulls.
New creations have had their flesh defeated because it has been crucified with Christ Jesus and no longer lives.
New creations will rule with Christ Jesus on earth for 1000 years.
New creations have the distinct privilege of laying hands on the sick and seeing them recover.
New creations can intercede for the nations focusing their prayers on the impulses of Holy Spirit’s directives.
New creations can worship the Father in spirit and in truth in this broken world and it will be the only opportunity that we have to do that in our existence.
New creations will find their very best family connections with someone who perhaps lived 3000 years ago because we were never meant to die. We were supposed to live simultaneously with our God and all our family. The strongest family connections are yet to be realized.
New creations wait in eager expectation to be revealed.
New creations can expect Father to deliver them out of the Fowler’s snare.
New creations are the head and not the tail.
Everything that a new creation touches is blessed.
As a new creation we have the honor to glorify the Father by employing great confidence in the finished work of Christ Jesus.
As new creations we can lay hands in the sick and expect them to recover.
New creations can use authority and power against the rulers and principalities of this dark age.
New creations can cast out devils and pray lying and informing spirits of people.
New creations have strong faith and great hope for the ages to come.
New creations are in the center of God’s will.
New creations are pure. There is no crooked or perverse way in us, all old ways are on the outside trying to get back in.

We need to continually talk to ourselves as if we are new creations. We need to look at our identity through Father’s lens. Father sees the finished work of Jesus Christ when He sees us. It is imperative that we adopt His viewpoint. Then we will see transformation. Then we will see victory over habitual sins. Then we will see people changed in our circle of influence because our overflow will begin to saturate every atmosphere we are in. We will then expect an increase in the manifestation of Holy Spirit which will exponentially increase as we agree further with who we are as new creations. In the ages to come we will see new colors and have a new extremely vigorous vessels to live out all of Father’s plans in. We will hear new sounds as music is liberated from its bondage to decay. All things will be made new. Amen! Hallelujah!!

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