What the Bible says about 2 Samuel 9:8?

“Then he bowed himself, and said, “What is your servant, that you should look upon such a dead dog as I?””

I love the story of Mephibosheth. It takes a crippled man born into a crooked family and sets him ultimately at the kings table. The story is full of parallels to our salvation stories. In this particular verse Mephibosheth after hearing that he would be dining in luxury and receiving all of his grandfather’s property (his earthly inheritance) and provision for himself and his posterity, he calls himself a dead dog.

The truth is he has never had more opportunity than at this very gracious moment and he shuns his new identity to put on the old one. He has been made the head and not the tail. This false humility is something that new creations must be particularly careful about avoiding.

We are no longer sinners! We have been translated from death to life. We are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. King David, like Father, ignores his response and pulls him/us closer to himself. Insisting that we are unworthy of the love of God expressed through Jesus Christ is prideful.

False humility, disagreement with the truth of the Word of God, puts us at odds with Father’s will for our new creation lives. He desires that we thrive in our new identity, free from our crucified flesh and bold in our presentation before Him. It would be like Mephibosheth refusing to come to the table or only eating scraps and garbage. It is a direct insult to the king to not dine with a thankful new creation heart. We are blessed beyond recognition.

Let’s put the truth of the Word of God at the forefront of our minds and cast off everything that is contrary to our new identity. Then we will see authentic transformation. Wonderful! Amazing! Hallelujah!

Father, I am so grateful for Your amazing grace. You have translated me from death into a wonderful new life. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am a new creation in Christ, the old has gone. My old nature, my flesh, is crucified with Christ Jesus and no longer lives! Hallelujah! I will accomplish all of the plans that You have knit into the fibers of my heart. Holy Spirit, teach me more revelations.

Fill me with Your teachings. I really appreciate the truth that You never leave me nor forsake me. I love You. In Jesus name. Amen.

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