The Meaning Behind Luke 22:19

Luke 22:19

And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me.”

Long before a man was permitted to touch our Holy Savior His body was “broken” for us. Jesus broke Himself by denying His bodily desires to have dominion over Him. He lived a chased life. He broke His own body like a wild horse needs to be tamed to be a useful vessel and a safe carrier. His flesh bucked and bucked but could not throw Him off of His mission to buy our freedom. His fierce love kept Him glued to the saddle of our redemption. He was tempted at every point and His flesh insisted He slips just one time, as ours does. But “The Man” Christ Jesus was steadfast to secure our freedom. He was focused to earn our victory. He was driven to set us at liberty.

 Our job? 

Accept the Finished Work of a Risen Savior! Yup. That’s it. Remind yourself of that truth. Take communion. Take the bread which was already broken and ready to be murdered to gain our new creation identity. He is the bread of life. He is manna. He is all we ever need. He desires that we “remember” that we are free. He doesn’t desire us to feel bad that He was broken, rather He wants us to enjoy the Way He made for us. He desires we thrive in new creation life. Let’s change our minds about the beating and the crucifixion He so willingly endured so that we could be free. Let’s be grateful and certain of His love. Being confident of our new creation identity brings Him the glory and honor He deserves. 

Father, I’m so grateful for Your Word. I’m so grateful for You sacrificing Jesus. I’m so thankful for Your love. I’m really excited to walk in my new creation identity. I am free from all my sins, all guilt, all shame, and all fear. Thank You for setting me at total and complete liberty. I am free to follow You and to bring the kingdom of heaven everywhere I go. I will walk in complete confidence knowing that You have completed amazing work in me. I will lay hands on the sick and expect healing and deliverance to come from Your graciousness. I’m really grateful. I love You. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

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